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Home / Social
Home / Social


Social functions are the life blood of our club because they strengthen camaraderie between our members, fleets and guests. All club-sponsored events are open to all members. You do not need to own a boat or participate in racing to attend club regatta dinners and cookouts, so all Members are encouraged to attend these events to join in the food and the fun, make some new friends and enjoy the beautiful ISC facility. Visit the club's website and click on the "Calendar" to see a detailed listing of all events. Some events require registration, but many do not. Emails are sent out before each event with details about the event along with a registration link (if required).

ISC Social Events - Open to all members

  • - Wednesday Night Racing Cookouts - Suggested $5.00 Donation requested
  • - WOW Social Nights - see WOW page for details
  • - Sunday Afternoon Racing 
  • - Regatta Sunday Cookouts 
  • - Spring and Fall Work Parties - chili pitch ins

ISC Social Events - Requiring RSVPs

  • - Regatta Dinners - 4 per year (children's meals available)
  • - Commodore's Appreciation Event
  • - ISC Brunches
  • - ISC Academy (ISCA) Christmas Fund Raising Dinner

Each fleet is assigned by the Social Events Committee as the point of contact for an event, and are responsible for the entire event planning process: selecting a theme, food, decorations, set-up and clean-up. The Social Events Committee provides a framework, guidance and oversight to the fleets' event planning process.

Members are always welcome and encouraged to join the Social Events Committee or volunteer to help out at an event. It is a wonderful way to meet members, have fun and . If you have any questions or want to get involved, please contact the Social Events Committee Chair, Angela Cody-Rouget at 

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